Home » Supporting Documentation » 11. Student progress reports

11. Student progress reports


Written student progress reports at least twice each year and copies of reports on kept on file.


A copy of a progress report for one student. This report should use the suggested template or should otherwise demonstrate a similar level of detail to that found in the template.

Reports should include:

  • achievement against the Victorian Curriculum F-10 Languages achievement standards
  • achievement and progress related to individual learning goals and targets
  • areas for improvement/future learning
  • what the CLS will do to support the student’s learning
  • what parents /guardians can do to support the student’s progress
  • attendance
  • work habits assessment.


DOWNLOAD (docx): Student Progress Report Template (updated July 2024)

The following sample is available as a guide:

DOWNLOAD (pdf): Student Progress Report Sample (updated July 2024)

Instructions for submission

Required template: Yes, see above

Required format: PDF or Word

Required filename: 11_progress

Additional notes: Submit a copy of the progress report for one student for Term 2, 2024, with the student’s name hidden.