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About the Program

The Department of Education’s (the Department’s) Community Language Schools Funding Program provides funding to not-for-profit community language schools (CLS) to deliver language programs to Victorian children and students outside of school hours. The information on this website aims to support CLS who wish to receive funding from the Department (and is taken from the Guide document – see Accreditation Guide and Forms to download).

Accreditation is required for CLS to receive funding and is valid for three years once CLS show evidence that they meet a range of criteria.

CLS must be accredited by the Department before they can apply for per capita funding. The accreditation process enables the Department to assess whether CLS are delivering quality programs and are aware of their obligations for child safety and wellbeing. Accreditation does not support a CLS to be registered as an education provider under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006.

To become accredited, CLS must demonstrate their capacity to deliver high-quality language programs that comply with the Department’s requirements and expectations.

Applications for accreditation of new CLS are accepted once per year. Applications for accreditation of new campuses may be accepted as required.

Applying for accreditation

To apply for accreditation, or accreditation of a new campus, CLS must:

  • complete the application form (which can be requested by emailing cls-accreditation@unimelb.edu.au)
  • prepare all supporting documentation in the required format
  • have at least two members of the CLS (including the Principal) check the documentation to ensure it is complete and sign the application form
  • submit the completed and signed application, together with all supporting documentation to clsaccreditation@unimelb.edu.au by the due date as specified by the Department.

CLS will receive confirmation that the application has been received.

CLS requiring assistance with preparing their application and supporting documentation are encouraged to contact Community Languages Victoria.

Refusal or cancellation of accreditation

The Department may deny an application for accreditation, or cancel existing accreditation where:

  1. The CLS does not meet or maintain the accreditation requirements.
  2. The CLS does not provide a language program for two consecutive years. To regain accreditation, the school will need to apply as a new CLS.
  3. The CLS commits acts regarded by the public as unacceptable or that bring the reputation of the Department into disrepute.
  4. An officer, board member, employee, member, volunteer, subcontractor, representative or agent of the CLS:
    • is not a fit and proper person, having regard to the special nature of working with children; or
    • has a conviction or findings of guilt for a sexual offence; or
    • is convicted of a crime punishable by a term of imprisonment; or
    • denigrates, offends or instils hatred for particular group(s), language(s) and culture(s).